The major outcomes from HarmoNIA (Methodological Proposal for harmonizing monitoring of marine contaminants, web tools to access, explore data on marine pollution and to assess coastal vulnerability to pollution dispersion) were presented at the Meeting of the Ecosystem Approach Correspondence Group on Pollution Monitoring (CorMon Pollution) (Videoconference 26-26.4.2021) organized in the framework of the United Nations Environmental Programme Mediterranean Action Plan.
HarmoNIA has dedicated efforts, at ADRION scale, to:
- share data
- information
- best practices
for monitoring, assessing and managing pollutants in the marine environment to support regional and sub-regional environmental status assessment, to address the heterogeneity in methodological approaches (sampling -> analysis -> assessment) and to overcome the fragmentation in data availability on contaminants.
Thanks to the strong synergy with the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and adopting EMODnet Chemistry standards and approach, HarmoNIA provides access to harmonized and validated data for the ADRION region and contributes to further enrich EMODnet data collection, which represents a useful data source for UNEP/MAP to assess pollution status in the Mediterranean.