Consolidating crossborder dialogue in marine data management
HarmoNIA was presented as an example of successful transnational cooperation in the framework of sharing data for Marine Environmental management, during the workshop “Action plan [...]
HarmoNIA was presented as an example of successful transnational cooperation in the framework of sharing data for Marine Environmental management, during the workshop “Action plan [...]
Open access scientific articles based on HarmoNIA activities are now collected in Frontiers e-book, comprising all the articles featured in the Research Topic "The Environmental [...]
Latest from ADRION: A new ADRION publication on the achievements of its capitalisation process has just been released. The publication presents the work carried out [...]
Please find below the presentations given at the meeting of the "Transnational Network of Institutions sharing expertise and information towards harmonization of monitoring of contaminants in [...]
The synthesis of challenges, objectives, results, outputs and feedbacks from the society on the the Interreg ADRION Project HarmoNIA (2018-2020) is now available also in [...]
The major outcomes from HarmoNIA (Methodological Proposal for harmonizing monitoring of marine contaminants, web tools to access, explore data on marine pollution and to assess [...]
Interested to see what's going on online at the International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems? Have a look at: HarmoNIA project: web application [...]
You can now watch the short presentation on: "HarmoNIA project: Searching for data and tools to support pollution assessment and response", given yesterday at the [...]
The International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - IMDS 2021 is starting in a few hours! Still time to register here: The programm [...]
Watch our new video and discover the new information available on HarmoNIA GeoPortal on Vulnerability of coastal areas. You can now explore monitoring stations properties to [...]